
Re - examined by Mr W. H. Gattie. (4).

Re-examined by Mr W. H Gattie. (3).

Recent addition to TheKearneySociety 2021. Archive.

Re-examined by Mr W. H. Gattie (2).

Re-examined by Mr. W. H. Gattie. (1).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode K, C,. (16).

Cross-examined by Mr. W. B. Clode, K, C,. (15).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K.C,. (14).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (13).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (12)

Cross-examined by Mr. W. B. Clode, K, C., (11).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K. C, (10).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K. C,. (9)

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (8).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (7).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (6).

Cross-examined by Mr. W. B. Clode, K, C,. (5).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (4).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (3).

Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (2).

Cross- examined by Mr. W. B. Clode, K. C., (1).

Gattie Goods Clearing House Location Plan.

Witness testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (12)

(Testimony adjourned for a short time.)

Witness testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (11).

Witness testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (10).

Continuing the Witness Testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (9).

Witness Testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (8)

Witness Testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (7)

Witness Testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (Part 6)

Witness Testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (Part 5).

Witness Testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (Part 4)

Witness Testimony given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (Part 3).

Witness Testimony, given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (Part 2).

Witness Testimony, given by Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney (Part 1)

Copy of Correspondence, from The Department of Transport 1964.

Correspondence to The Right Honourable Harold Macmillan Prime Minister 1959.