Re-examined by Mr. W. H. Gattie. (1).

 3378. I want to clear up some misunderstanding about the aquisition of land for these tubes. In the evidence that you may have heard Mr. Harper gave he made an estimate of 40 acres of land to be acquired. I believe you may be aware that for the Clearing House alone 30 acres of land is required. Do you know anything about that? --- No, I have not gone into that at all.

3379. And, as a matter of fact, Mr. Gattie, as I put it to you, made an allowance of 10 acres of ground for the space to which my friend has reffered? --- I was not aware of that.

3380. Under those conditions there was no necessity to ask you to make any allowance for the aquisition of land? --- I was not asked to do that.

3481. Because it had been allowed for. With regard to the linking up of the short trains --- the 334 or whatever it is that come into the Clearing House --- have you made any estimate as to what number of these might be linked up? --- It depends entirely on their length, and also on the length of the block sections on the approach lines to our tubes.

3382. There is nothing in your tube to prevent a train, say, of 50 trucks coming into your goods station? --- No.

3383. Sir John Aspinall : Having regard to the site shown there, do you consider that is the best site that could have been selected in London? --- When Mr. Gattie first approached me that was one of the first things I set my mind to ; I had a bit of spare time at the moment and I went into it carefully ; I ransacked the neighbourhood and made several trails to see if I could put it in a better place, but I came back to Mr. Gattie's original site in the end. I do not think it could be in a better position in the central District.

3384, When letting us have that plan, could you put in by means of a dotted lead- pencil line the existing lines of railway, and marking against that dotted line the names of the railways. There is nothing to indicate to whom these existing lines belong? --- Yes.

3385. You spoke about certain traffic coming from Liverpool Street down this way? --- On the Metropolitan?

3386. Was that only in the event of a block? --- Yes.

3387. Will you indicate on the map also what lines you propose to use? --- Yes.

3388. I think all you need do is just to dot it in in pencil? --- Yes.

3389. Have you given the total cost of the railways you propose to make? --- I have not brought the actual  figures with me.

3390. One would like to see the cost. You said it would £170 per yard? --- Yes.
