Gattie Goods Clearing House Location Plan.


 To assist with the interpretation of Elfric Wells Chalmers Kearney's testimony, I have posted this plan. Although it was not prepared by Elfric during his employment as a consultant for "The New Transport Company Limited", but by his predecessor in 1916. So I hope that this will enable readers of future posts some idea of what Elfric's replies refer to.

Actual drawings from the original documents for the Gattie Goods Clearing House, are extremely difficult to locate.

 This image is taken from "How To Make The Railways Pay For The War" "The transport Problem Solved". Written by Roy HORNIMAM, published by George Routledge & sons. Ltd. London. Our copy is a 1919 third edition signed and presented by the author. We would like to thank the author and publisher for their excellent source of information.
