Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (7).

 3282. Was that the sa if they were superimposed one upon the other, or have the two lines that were in those superimposed tubes gone into one line, or how is it? --- There is only one line in any one of the tunnels where they actually join up. The tube would be considerably higher, of course, for a short distance, while the last were effecting the junction.

3282. We started from the Clearing House, and there were two reds and two blues, with one track in each? --- Yes.

3283. Then they continue,, the blue and the red, but where they were superimposed does the blue tube carry the two blue lines and the red tube carry the two red lines, or how was it? --- After the junction there is still only one line. The two blues run into one line.

3284. I only want to understand it. They have then merged into one? --- Yes.

3285. And continued one in each until that point! --- Yes.

3286. Then you lead if off what are called the widened lines at the point you have just mentioned. You will give me, no doubt, the details of the junction with the Metropolitan and show how your square construction goes into their tunnel? --- Yes. 

3287. Have you them now? --- The details of the steel work?

3288. Yes! --- No.

3289. Or of the junction? --- No.

3290. Of the junction of the lines? --- In a detailed plan.
