Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode K, C,. (16).

 3371. When we come to look at those sections there, they are not to scale, are they? --- How do you mean?

3372. I do not think the drawing was to scale? --- You mean the vertical scale is not the same as the horizontal scale?

3373. Yes? --- They never are in sections.

3374. Take the vertical scale. Is the tube in proportion with the rest to scale with the yellow? --- Yes the vertical measures bear the same relation.

3375. Just at the top there is a red line. What is that? --- That is a pipe.

3376. Is that one of the things that you have to deal with? --- No; we put it in there because it happened to be a sewer under the road, but we are so far below that it is of no interest to us at all. You see the pipes we pass under. These are the sections of them; they are running this way; on is running this way (Indicating.)

3377. I think that if you supplement the evidence you have been giving by giving us the detailed plans and sections for which I have asked we shall be able to test the scheme thoroughly? --- Yes.

This concludes the cross-examination by Mr. W. B. Clode

 K, C,.
