Re - examined by Mr W. H. Gattie. (4).

 3411. That is always to be done on the straight? --- Yes. There will be no necessity for any but a very minimum often in the yellow spaces ; there will be nothing for them to do there.

3412. That means a very large staff to see the points are oiled, but that does not mean more than a dozen men in each yellow space at the very most.

3413. Mr Burgess : I wanted to quite understand assuming you know anything about it, the position of the railway coming to the north. You come up out of the tunnel, then you say you come on to the Great Northern and Midland and North Western, I take it, and we learn from you, you join up at At Pancreas?--- Yes.

3414. Can you tell me if you think that particular junction would take all the traffic that is anticipated from these three particular lines, assuming your trains are 70 coaches long? 

---  We have 149 trains to deal with, have we not , in the 24 hours?

3415. So you said? --- That is right. That means a train every 9 1/2 minutes.

3416. Have you considered the relation between these particular junctions and the other lines. Take the North Western line, have you considered the relation of the North Western main line and this particular junction? --- You can get on to the North Western via St. Pancras by the addition of a very small loop line at this point (indicating on plan). There is a loop line there already ; I think it is a single line ; if that line was doubled it would be all that is necessary to get on to the North Western via the North London railway.

3417. Who will put that line in? Not the New Transport Company? It would be for the Railway Company? --- Really, it is such a small thing if the Railway Company objected to do it I am quite sure the New Transport Company would see it was done.

3418. With regard to the southern line, are you bringing all the South Western traffic on to the South Eastern? --- Yes.

3419. All of it? --- The whole of the southern traffic only means 59 trains in the day.

3420. You are satisfied you can do that without any trouble?

 --- I have two pairs of lines, a track each way ; 59 trains on one track is not a great number.
