Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (8).

 3291. Just a drawing of the junction? --- You can have that, but it has not been made.

3292. I suppose the line that is running into the City crosses over, does it not? --- Yes.

3293. The other line? --- The line from the Clearing House would cross over the up line on the widening.

3294. On the level? --- Yes.

3295. Let us now get that other spur which is going north before it goes north. Is that used for any traffic coming in a south-easterly direction? --- You mean the North loop?

3296. The one coming down towards us --- the V- shaped thing? --- This one (indicating.)

3297. Yes. Is that to be used for any traffic coming down in a South-easterly direction?Yes I have suggested that the trains from the South-Eastern   should come in and go out and down this line --- or vice-versa.

3298. Then the train may proceed through the Clearing House --- I am taking one of your illustrations --- come out at the south and proceed up that red and blue tube towards the widened lines again? --- Yes.

3299. Where is the gap between them ; are they on the widened lines again? --- There is not really a gap ; it is printed in on the map, but it is very faint, and you cannot see it from there. The actual line runs through  here,  and, of course, that continues up there.

3300. Then your line would have to cross over the Metropolitan metals again there on the level? --- Yes.
