Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (6).

 3271. There will be a sort of double junction in the sense of the blues joining above and the reds joining below? --- Yes.

3272. If you give me the section, I shall be able to find out what depth you are there? --- Yes. We are at our lowest depth there.

3273. Ivan see that. Then you gosling with these superimposed tubes --- the blue and the red --- and then that spur to the north. Do the red and the blue again come out and go side by side? They look, at this distance, and if they do? --- Yes, the red gradually comes from underneath to get up alongside the blue.

3274. Then I note after that spur there is the junction with what we call the widened lines of the Metropolitan? --- Yes.

3275. Do they both join there? --- Yes.

3276. There is a junction with the blue one and s junction with the red one with the Metropolitan? --- Yes. For the last few yards of those tubes they cease to be tubes, in fact; they would be rectangular tunnel construction similar to the New York subway.

3277. That would go into the brick tunnel of the Metropolitan? --- Yes.

3278. Will you give me the precise spot at which it goes in and show me the junction? --- Yes, it enters the Metropolitan widened line immediately south of the Fleet River syphon.

3279. Were there are two lines in each of these tubes? --- No, only one.

3280. Not one pair of lines? One line only? --- One track.
