Cross-examined by Mr W. B. Clode, K, C,. (2).

 3231. You have given us a very interesting map to look at, And I dare say you would not mind our engineers having a copy of it, and of the sections, so that our engineers can follow them? --- I am sorry that I personally shall not be be to superintend that, because to-morrow I must leave for Glasgow.

3232. We can copy the maps if we may have the facilities for doing it? --- Certainly.

Mr. Clode : So far as we can do it without interfering with the exhibition of the map on the wall.

Mr. W. H. Gattie :  That is the only one, so that it will have to be borrowed from the Committee as before, if you can arrange that.

Mr. Clode : Quite. ( To the Witness) : The map you present today , as I understand you to say in-chief, was an alteration from something you had done before? --- Not an alteration from something I had done before, but another engineer at a earlier date  ( long before I was anything Todo with the New Transport Company) formulated some tube scheme.

3234. But this is the first plan you have drawn? --- Yes.

3235. I thought there was a misunderstanding about that, because I understood Mr. Gattie to say that you had prepared a plan before this? --- I have prepared preliminary plans, but they are all based on the same idea.

3236. This is the first that you have done? --- Yes.

3237. When were you called to advise the New Transport Company as to this tube connection? --- In September, 1917.

3238, And up to that date another gentleman had acted for them? --- Yes.

3239. His plans were then in existence? --- Yes.

3240. What was the gentleman's name? -- Liddell I think.

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