Re-examined by Mr W. H. Gattie (5).

 3421. And the same applies of course, to all the eastern traffic coming through from Bishopsgate? --- Yes.

3422. The whole of it? --- The whole of it, 126 trains.

3423. That means some of the near Midland traffic? --- Yes, from the Tilbury section.

3224. Mr. Hopkinson :  You said something in your evidence about an arrangement with the Gladstone Dock. Have you made any estimate of the cost? Are you responsible for the plan we saw the other day? --- The railway plan?

3425, Yes? --- For the railway connections only. I have the plan here.

3246,  Are you responsible for for the plan we saw? --- For the railway connections on that plan.

3427, There was no section shown there showing how you are to get into the Gladstone Dock? --- No.

3428, You are a good deal below high water there? --- That plan was ordered as a plan ; the sections were not called for, and no sections were made.

3429. But it is the case that your line would be considerably below high water level? --- That I do not know.

3430. It has to go underneath the road for the access to Gladstone Dock, so it must be below high water level? --- Yes.
