Australia 1934. Eastern Suburbs Railway.

 From the Kearney Files, 

Bondi Daily 6th October.

Every traveller by tram to the Eastern Suburbs, I feel sure can see the necessity for some scheme to relieve the traffic congestion which at present prevails.

After reading your paragraph in your paper, I am convinced that the Kearney Company's scheme shows a way out of the difficulty.

Few people with average intelligence will fail to see that the scheme is a safe one, which while relieving the Government of a serious financial obstacle, apparently insures the work being done at a reduction ( from suggested costs) which is almost staggering.

Turning to liability: The City Railway must have cost in the region of 6 or 7 millions to build and maintain up to the present time. A serious position now confronts us  -- whether this enormous expense is justifiable in view of the depressed state of finances in this country.

Reports come to us daily of continuous losses on railways and tramways, while our parks and streets are packed with unemployed. Surely a scheme which would render this evil less acute must commend itself to every right thinking man or woman.

Regarding the offer of the Kearney Company to construct the Eastern Suburbs Railway, it is pointed out that a saving of at least 20% would-be made if this company should undertake the construction of it through to Bondi and the problem of unemployment would at least be partly solved. As unemployment would be found for 4 or 5 thousand men for a considerable period. This railway would also greatly increase the importance of the Eastern Suburbs.

I think it would be a good idea for the present Government to go carefully into them matter and I would suggest that a largely signed petition be sent to the "powers that be" as soon as possible urging them to take immediate steps to expedite matters connected with the building of the railway.
