Sydney Harbour Bridge Vs Tunnel debate June 1922

From the Kearney Files
Sydney 9th June 1922


Objections to Kearney Tube
There is to be s bridge or nothing across the harbour. Sir Thomas Henley has definitely rejected the much - talked of offer of Mr. Kearney, of London, to build a tube under the harbour for a high speed railway.

Mr. Kearney cabled to the Government offering to come out and exhibit a model of the tube, which he proposed to build for £750,000.
In a report on the scheme, the Railway Commissioners reiterated their previous objections -- that the tube would cost two or three times as much as estimated, it would only carry a single line of railway, and no other traffic, and the system would simply be an alternative to the ferry. With the bridge the city electric railway and the North Shore system would be linked up.
"In view of the commissioner's report," said Sir Thomas Henley yesterday, "I have instructed that a cable be sent intimating that we do not desire Mr. Kearney to show us his model."
