Sydney Harbour Bridge Vs Tunnel debate ,22/9/1921

From the Kearney Files
Sydney News 22nd September 1921


Tube railways, with special reference to the North Shore traffic, were the subject of discussions at the Hotel Australia yesterday at a luncheon given by Mr. H. W. Booth. Australian representative of the Kearney High Speed Railway. The subject was referred to in the Press last Sunday and the luncheon was to give interested parties an opportunity of hearing details.
Mr. Booth pointed out that the tube was not in opposition to the bridge, but was to give relief in 12 months, while the people were waiting for the bridge. Mr. Kearney was prepared for and confident he could overcome any engineering difficulties, whether they had to work through rock, sand mud or clay. The railway would be on the switchback principle, and would provide a cleaner, safer, more economical. More efficient and more rapid service than ordinary express trains.
