Sydney Harbour Bridge Vs Tunnel debate November 1921.

From the Kearney Files
Sydney 3rd November 1921



Where is the Kearney tube man?
It was reminiscent of the now hoary ditty, "Has anybody here seen Kelly?"
When the North Sydney Council last evening considered the matter of the postponed deputation to Mr. Dooley on the subject of the proposed Kearney tube under the harbour from Milson's Point to the city.
"The Kearney man, who was on a visit from England " said Ald, E. M. Clark, heard us talking about bridges, do he dropped in to see us two months ago, and we haven't seen him since. Where is he! What is the use of tube under water, when we are up in the air!.
Ald. Pinnock said the council only wasted the Ministers time in holding a deputation, and it's it' time in inquiring into a wired scheme. (Dissent)
The Mayor (Ald. Whatmore) : We are not inquiring. We intend to ask the Government to inquire.
Ald. Clark asked why the council didn't do so, if that was the case.
It was pointed out that the reason was that the Premier, like the tube - man was absent.
