Sydney Harbour Bridge Vs Tunnel debate October 1921

From the Kearney Files
Sydney 5th October 1921

Ferry or Tubes?

Investigations Suggested.

In a Mayoral minute which was adopted by the North Sydney Council last night. Alderman Whatmore recommended that a deputation wait upon the Acting Premier and request that the proposed tube railway scheme under the harbour be investigated and the municipal council's on the other side of the harbour be asked to co - operate.
Mr. A. R. Croft, a member of the Ferry Reform Committee, submitted an alternative proposal of a co - operative ferry, which, he said, would obviate the  various difficulties. He suggested that the advantage be taken of the Local Government Act, under which the commencement of the new ferry could be deemed to be a national work and be managed by the council's interested.
The communication was referred to the General Purposes Committee.
