Tubes for Toronto

From The Kearney Files
The Standard Friday 16th July 1909
Empire supplement Canada Newfoundland

The rapid growth of the population and trade of Toronto has necessitated the finding of some solution for the finding of some solution for the traffic problem caused by the congestion and state of the city streets.
The idea of a tube railway passing underground through the heart of the city at a rapid rate and then distributing it's loads upon a surface railway in arms extending eastwards and westwards occurred to Controller Houchen of Toronto on a recent visit to New York and other cities where the rapidly growing difficulties that Toronto has been trying in vain to solve have found practical solutions.
Mr. Houchens idea is to run cars by tubes from the centre of the city to the outlying districts and start the surface cars distributing and taking on people about on Canadian Pacific Railways tracks and run them east and west on a line north to Eglinton. The underground plan would not only ease the traffic on Yonge and other busy streets but would greatly reduce the amount of time needed for suburban dwellers to get to and from Front Street to the old city limits at the "C P R" tracks. This is guaranteed (say the Toronto news) by the Kearney TRansit Company of London.
The cost of Yonge Street tunnel with lines east and west the Controller believes would not exceed 4,000,000 dollars (£84,916). The scheme is intended would not enter direct competition with the present surface railway system. Since the latter was established in 1891 the city has increased by 5,582 acres.
