Trains to rival Aeroplanes

From The Kearney Files
Empire News 13th December 1918

Manchester - Liverpool in 30 minutes

By New High Speed Rail Expresses

By E. W. Chalmers Kearney, inventor of the Kearney High Speed Railway.

From Manchester to Liverpool in twenty minutes by rail seems fantastic and impossible, but it is neither.
It is within the bounds of scientific and engineering possibility, and it may not be long before such a journey comes to be regarded as just as ordinary as to be regarded as just as ordinary as the rest of common - place things.
And I will tell you why.
Hitherto sixty miles an hour stands about the limit for express trains, but now after many years of experiment, I have produced a system which will render possible double that speed, and at a cost no greater than is now incurred.
The trains run on a single rail and are guided by an overhead rail 14 feet from the ground level, and travelling is made with an absolute safety and degree of comfort that is unobtainable in present systems.
The timid need have no fear, for there is no unpleasant side - to - side swaying such as is experienced on the present - day express.
The trains will be operated electrically, and every under ,- wheel will be a self contained motor wheel. A speed of 120 miles an hour can be obtained in little more than two minutes from the moment of starting, and taking Manchester as the starting place, and roughly assuming distances as the crow flies, the travelling of the future will be something like this :-

Manchester to Liverpool, 20 minutes;
To Sheffield, 20 minutes;
To Leeds, 20 minutes;
To Blackpool, 25 minutes;
To Llandudno, 40 minutes;
To Hull, , 50 minutes;
To Birmingham, 40 minutes
To London, one hour.
