Sydney Harbour Tunnel 1922 Bridge Vs Tunnel article 1

From The Kearney Files
Sunday Times Sunday 18th September 1921.

At a meeting of the Northern Suburbs citizens campaign committee on Friday at the North Sydney Town Hall, Mr. Booth and Mr. Williams representing Mr. Chalmers Kearney the inventor of the Kearney High Speed Railway England. Declared that Mr. Kearney was prepared to build a tube under the harbour to carry an electric railway within twelve months at a guaranteed cost of £750,000. It was explained that Mr. Kearney did not propose to carry passengers and vehicular traffic in one tunnel, he recommended construction of a further tunnel and guaranteed the cost of the two would not exceed £2,500,000.
Both tubes could be constructed simultaneously.
On behalf of the Kearney scheme it is claimed that his railway and gradient system between Venice and Lido (Italy) saved £300,000 .

Please note the Venice to Lido was one of many proposed schemes that were never constructed. (D.B.)
