High speed railway films

From The Kearney Files
Sheffield Independent Monday 20th November 1922

The film of the Kearney High Speed Railway recently taken by Messrs Paths Freres for inclusion in their weekly pictorial is released today.
The originator Mr. E. W. Chalmers Kearney is shown subjecting his model cars to tests of severity never likely to be met with in practice. A car standing on its track is turned over, rails and all until it is actually hanging downwards but remains secure between the top and bottom rails. While tilted Stan angle of more than 45 degrees the car and track are violently shaken as by a gigantic earthquake but the Kearney train is unaffected.
Finally obstructions in the form of railway sleepers are placed across the track and these cars jump over without hesitation or accident. Needless to say no ordinary train could pass tests and the assertation by many engineers that the Kearney system is the safest ever devised appears to be amply borne out.
