Society of Engineers

Taken from Kearney Files
Original copy of leaflet

Part 1
Surface and Elevated Railways

  1. The desirability of high-speed
  2. The limit reached on existing railways
  3. A specialised track necessary
  4. The essentials of a successful high - speed railway
  5. Where they fail
  6. The Kearney high - speed railway
  7. Designed to meet all requirements
  8. Details of track construction
  9. It's safety under all conditions
  10. Details of rolling stock
  11. Economy in construction
  12. High - speeds economically sound
Part 2
Underground Railways
  1. Comparison of shallow and deep level systems
  2. Their respective advantages and disadvantages
  3. High constructional costs; high working costs; low speed
  4. Inconvenience and low effective speeds of London Tubes
  • The four points for practical consideration :-
  • To secure more convenient stations;
  • To reduce capital expenditure
  • To obtain higher speeds
  • To reduce operating costs.
How the Kearney system achieves these objectives
"Stepless" street level stations
The single - tube system
Reduced wear and tear
Improved ventilation
Report of Royal Commission on London Traffic.
