Re-examined by Mr W. H. Gattie (6).

 3431. Has any estimate been made of the cost of the suggested plan there? --- For the Clearing House machinery?

3432. For the work shown on the plan exhibited? --- I think Mr. Gattie could give you that.

3433. Have you any? --- No, that was not my work.

3434. Do you propose to apply a similar system to every dock in Liverpool? --- No. I gather about one of those docks would do the work of half Liverpool.

3435. That line crosses the docks at right angles ; it would not do more than half of one dock? --- I am not sufficiently au fair with the local geography to answer.

3436. That would only deal with the half of one dock out of six or seven. What I wanted to get at is has any estimate been made of the cost of dealing with one dock alone in order that we may see what it will cost to apply the system to Liverpool? --- I think you are applying to the strongman ; it is no estimate in fact? --- No.

3437. I thought you were mentioned as having made the plan? --- Only for the railway connections.

3438. That is the principal thing, that is the particular thing I am asking about. There is no estimate in fact? --- No.

3439. I am not quite clear about your estimates here. You have been speaking undoubtedly of estimates of cost of tubes ; what about the estimate of the whole scheme? --- That is nothing to do with me.

3440. You do not know who is going to give us that? --- No.
